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Simple Sheet Pan Salmon

This Sheet Pan Salmon Dinner is a complete, healthy, and super-easy meal.

I threw this together last minute thinking I wasn't going to have enough food for a get-together I was having. Let’s be clear - there is usually always plenty of food and lots of leftovers for my friends and family to take home. This meal is also great to prepare the night before and serve cold the next day, especially for a summer party. I only used salt, pepper, and garlic-infused olive oil and it was all gone by the end of the night. No Tupperware was needed.

Serves: 8

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Bake Time: 30 Minutes


1 large filet of salmon

2 cups cherry tomatoes

2 cups potatoes, sliced

2 tablespoons chives, chopped

6 tablespoons garlic-infused olive oil

salt and pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Grab your parchment-lined sheet pan and place the salmon in the middle.

  3. Layer the tomatoes on one side and the potatoes on the other.

  4. Pour 4 tablespoons of olive oil over the vegetables and toss with salt and pepper.

  5. Top the salmon with the remainder of the olive oil and coat with more salt and pepper.

  6. Bake for 30 minutes or until everything is cooked through.

  7. Depending on how well done you like the tomatoes you might want to take them out before.

  8. Top potatoes with chopped chives and serve hot or put in the fridge and serve chilled later on or the next day.

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