Hello! It's Me...
I'm a food lover, health enthusiast, author, Pilates teacher, studio owner, and "a cool aunt" (so I'm told)!
After graduating from Bard College with a B.A. in writing and dance, I spent a lot of time working hard to build my Pilates business - Body Be Well Pilates. We now have three thriving studio locations in the Hudson Valley where, along with a great team, I teach both individuals and our certification training program for anyone who wants to become a Pilates professional.
Coming from a long line of great cooks, I've always loved food but never really spent much time in my own kitchen. After working closely with clients I began to realize that, in order to be at our best, our bodies need to be nurtured from the inside as well as the outside, and that no amount of exercise makes up for poor nutrition.
So I took my shoes out of the oven, moved my sweaters from the pantry and started using the most unfamiliar room in my house, the kitchen, for what it was actually meant for - cooking! I completed a holistic nutrition program, read every book I could get my hands on, cooked up a ton of recipes (many of which I found were overly complicated and really missed the mark flavor-wise), and eventually, began creating my own ...and this is how Healthyish in a Hurry came into being.
My goal is to create simple, nutritious recipes that are easy to throw together using all the good stuff, but without sacrificing taste or the pleasure of eating, because life is all about finding balance, and nothing beats the satisfaction of eating something that tastes good which just also happens to be good for you!
I continue to teach and manifest a deep love for Pilates and health and I love nothing more than helping others make their bodies become healthy and strong as I continue to write, create, and develop new and delicious recipes that I hope you enjoy making too!
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If you have questions or comments relating to one of our posts we welcome your comments. For general questions feel free to email us at hello@healthyish-inahurry.com.
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